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If you constantly have a headache, experience skin rashes, watery eyes, blocked sinuses, and are frequently drowsy, indoor air pollution may be to blame. Learn more about the air pollutants in your St. Petersburg, FL, home.

Biological Pollutants

Bacteria, viruses, pet dander, house dust, mites, and pollen are only a few of the biological pollutants that might be present in your home. Most of these pollutants need a damp space to live. Many pathogens thrive when the humidity is above 50%, so using a dehumidifier can help. Another solution is ventilating your attic and crawlspace to reduce moisture buildup. If you have a pet, maintain a strict schedule of dusting and vacuuming weekly to keep dust bunnies and dander at bay.


Pesticides can often find their way into your home, even when they’re not used to control insects, mice, and other pests. If you are mildly allergic to them, you may notice irritation in your throat, eyes, and nose. Repeated exposure can cause central nervous system issues, cancer, and kidney damage.

Hazardous Gases

Many types of hazardous gases may be present in your home, such as formaldehyde from pressed wood objects, radon from unsealed foundations, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from many sources, such as tetrachloroethylene from your dry cleaning. Some hazardous gases, like radon, can cause cancer, while others can irritate your eyes and skin.

What Can You Do?

Ensuring that your home is adequately ventilated can help remove a number of indoor air pollutants. Along those same lines, schedule twice-a-year maintenance for your HVAC system to reduce the likelihood of volatile organic compounds building up in your home.

For an HVAC company that maintains the highest standards of excellence in customer service, contact Air Bros Air Conditioning & Heating. We’ll also provide personalized recommendations for improving your indoor air quality. Enhancing the quality of air will help everyone in your household live safer, healthier lives.

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