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While winters are typically warm and dry along Tampa Bay, St. Petersburg, FL, and the surrounding areas can experience chilly temperatures in the low 50’s and 60’s. For the mild winter months in the Tampa Bay area, a heat pump is an energy-efficient alternative for homeowners. With a variety of temperature control options, heat pumps can keep you warm while cutting costs on your heating bill.

Energy-efficient Heating Alternatives

Able to heat and cool your home, heat pumps operate like a refrigerator by using electricity to move heat. In the summer, they move heat from the inside of your home into the outdoors, cooling your space down. During the wintertime, they use electricity to move heat from the outdoor air into your home, making your space warmer. The EM heat setting, or auxiliary heat, is used when the outdoor temperature is too cold for the system to pull heat from outside. For this emergency setting, heat strips in your unit are heated by electricity in order to heat the air. Because these heating systems normally use a small amount of energy to produce heat, they can provide the same heating at one quarter of the cost less than other systems.

Heat Pump Settings that Save More Money

To provide comfortable temperatures at a fraction of the cost, heat pumps offer many innovative temperature control settings. New heating system technology offers variable speed motors and two-stage compressors for optimal efficiency. Heat pumps with variable speed motors adjust how much air your pump blows according to your heating and cooling preferences, improving your home’s air quality and humidity levels. Two-stage compressors can heat or cool your home at different levels so you can adjust your temperature more accurately while using less energy.

To learn more about a new heating installation for your St. Petersburg, FL, home, check out these services, or call Air Bros Air Conditioning & Heating at (813) 758-4044.

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