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When you’re in need of a new heating and cooling system for your St. Petersburg, FL, home, a heat pump is a cost-effective and convenient solution. The system efficiently delivers the heat you need on the occasional chilly winter nights and the cooling you need during our long tropical summer season. Read on for more information about how a new heat pump saves money without sacrificing comfort.

Move Heat Instead of Creating It

Heat pumps provide 1.5 to 3 times more heat transfer energy than they consume, explains the Department of Energy. In moderate climates like that of St. Petersburg, they’re about 300% efficient. This means for each unit of electricity they use, they transfer three units of heat energy.

Operate on Lowest Necessary Speed

Variable speed motors in new heat pumps offer customized airflow rates. When the system needs to make a big temperature change, it operates on the highest speed. Once it’s close to the temperature on the thermostat, the motor slows and uses less energy. By operating at the lowest needed speed, the variable speed motor uses about 66% less electricity. Variable speed motors deliver more consistent temperature control, operate quietly and circulate more of your home’s air.

Enjoy Higher SEER Values

New heat pumps with 2-stage compressors have high seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) ratings. Their SEER ratings range from 16 to 21, saving you 13% to 25% on electricity costs compared to a 12- to 14-SEER unit. The compressor operates on low most of the time, which boosts its efficiency. On the hottest summer days, the compressor kicks up to high speed in order to keep your home cool. The two-stage compressor eliminates frequent cycling. Fewer cycles means less wear and tear and lower utility bills.

To learn more about new heat pumps and their energy-efficient features, such as variable-speed motors and 2-stage compressors, check out Air Bros Air Conditioning & Heating’s air conditioning installation services, or call us today.

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