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Heat Pump Maintenance You Should and Shouldn’t Do

Heat Pump Maintenance You Should and Shouldn’t Do

Well-maintained St. Petersburg, FL heat pumps can last for up to 20 years. Neglected heat pumps usually last a significant number of years less. Heat pumps are expensive, and you want yours to last as long as possible. The easiest way to make your Air Conditioning and...

New Heat Pump Technology Increases Energy Efficiency

New Heat Pump Technology Increases Energy Efficiency

If your current Air Conditioning and Heating system is more than 15 years old, a new heat pump installation could lower your heating and air conditioning bills anywhere from 20 to 40%. St. Petersburg, FL homeowners can take advantage of high-efficiency systems...

Tips to Help Your Air Conditioner Keep You Cool

Tips to Help Your Air Conditioner Keep You Cool

For eight months of the year average daytime temperatures in Tampa are over 80°F. Your air conditioner has a heavy workload and precious little downtime. Giving your system a helping hand can keep indoor comfort high and utility bills low. Here are three ways you can...

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